Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chrono Trigger/Cross Top 10 Songs

So in addition to my Final Fantasy top 10, I decided to also make a Chrono Trigger/Cross top 10. I had a much harder time narrowing down the list with this one than with the Final Fantasy one even though there were only 2 games. The 2 games are my all time favorites though, so it was difficult, but here's the list.

10. The Dream that Time Dreams (CC)

I liked this one because it has such a grand feel to it. Mitsuda uses percussion masterfully on the entire game soundtrack, and this one has a nice beat to get it going too. The violin that comes in after a bit, just like the rest of the strings used throughout the soundtrack, is wonderful. Just a great song.

9. Millenial Fair (CT)

This song is 100% perfect for the setting that it is played in; every part of the music screams lighthearted fun which is the vibe that a fair generally has. It epitomizes the mostly fun and upbeat nature of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. It's also one of the more memorable tracks because you hear it right at the beginning of the game.

8. At the Bottom of the Night (CT)

There's just something about the music box sound that this song has that makes it incredibly sad. Personally, I always picture the part where Robo's "brothers" are beating him to pieces when I hear this. It's quite simple, but very powerful and moving. Most of the game is happy and upbeat, but whenever this played it always made for a very emotionally powerful situation

7. Frog's Theme (CT)

This has got to be one of, if not the best character themes that I've heard from any game. If I had to pick one word to describe the song, it would be "noble", which surprisingly enough is the same word I'd pick to describe Frog. Just like every other track in the game, this one fits the situation it is used for like a glove. Plus, doesn't everyone love this triumphant theme?

6. To Far Away Times (CT)

This song rolls during the credits and it sums up the entire adventure quite nicely. It sounds so incredibly hopeful that you just can't help but smile. It makes for a perfect ending to a perfect game. (We can debate my use of the word perfect, but it's an amazing game at least)

5. Time of World Revolution (CT)

This song has a lot going on at once. It starts out normal enough, but once that crazy background synth comes in it really picks it up. The entire song features what is almost like a duel between Lavos' theme and Crono's theme, which is pretty cool considering this is part of the epic showdown between the two. Also, the trumpet bit that plays is one of my favorite pieces of music period. This song makes this stage of the final battle as intense as it should be.

4. Battle with Magus (CT)

In a word this song is just epic. Combine the wind sound at the beginning with Magus' line about the black wind howling and it sends chills down your spine. It has that eerie feel that the other tracks in Magus' castle had but then explodes into the extremely dramatic main bit. This track almost single handedly makes the Battle with Magus the most memorable in the entire game.

3. Corridor of Time (CT)

Every time I hear this I can't believe that it was made for the Super Nintendo. The wide variety of sounds that are utilized are just things that I had never heard from a video game in that era. This tune fits the floating kingdom of Zeal perfectly, with its mesmerizing and dreamlike sounds. The instrument that handles the melody, I believe it's a Sitar or something of the like, is quite poignant and works so well with the background music. The best track in the entire game in my opinion.

2. On the Beach of Dreams - Another World (CC)

I remember that back in the day I used to turn on my Playstation and just let it idle while this song played. It somehow manages to be relaxing and dramatic all at the same time... it just defies my description. This song is sublime and the best overworld theme I've heard in a game by a long shot.

1. Scars of Time (CC)

Have you ever seen the intro to Chrono Cross? I saw it once and went out and bought a Playstation just to play the game. I included the entire song in my video because you can't just isolate one part of it; the entire progression is simply amazing. The intro is pretty good, but once it picks up the pace and those fierce violins come in, it becomes something special. I think I've mentioned the strings in this game's soundtrack before... well just listen to this song and you'll see why I can't get enough of the violins. It's just about the coolest thing I've ever heard when the violins come in for the first time. Summary? Ultimate intro song, ultimate game song... maybe even just ultimate song period.

So there's the list. I would include honorable mentions, but to be honest, I'd be listing almost the entire soundtrack from both games, so just keep in mind that I like every song from both games. As usual, I encourage you to make your own list and share it!

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