Saturday, November 28, 2009

Video Game Music Lens

So earlier today I decided to start a lens on for Video Game Music. It's kind of like a wikipedia/fansite/whatever you want it to be combination. You can check it out here. So basically, I'm curious: what do you think should be put on there? I have very basic information about websites like OCRemix and the Play! and Video Games Live world tours, but are there any other VGM resources that I'm missing? I'd just like for it to be a place that can direct the video game music fan in the direction of anything that they might enjoy. Hopefully it will mature into something that all fans of VGM can appreciate.

On a separate note, I also made a lens about Final Fantasy XIII that can be checked out here if you would like.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chrono Trigger/Cross Top 10 Songs

So in addition to my Final Fantasy top 10, I decided to also make a Chrono Trigger/Cross top 10. I had a much harder time narrowing down the list with this one than with the Final Fantasy one even though there were only 2 games. The 2 games are my all time favorites though, so it was difficult, but here's the list.

10. The Dream that Time Dreams (CC)

I liked this one because it has such a grand feel to it. Mitsuda uses percussion masterfully on the entire game soundtrack, and this one has a nice beat to get it going too. The violin that comes in after a bit, just like the rest of the strings used throughout the soundtrack, is wonderful. Just a great song.

9. Millenial Fair (CT)

This song is 100% perfect for the setting that it is played in; every part of the music screams lighthearted fun which is the vibe that a fair generally has. It epitomizes the mostly fun and upbeat nature of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. It's also one of the more memorable tracks because you hear it right at the beginning of the game.

8. At the Bottom of the Night (CT)

There's just something about the music box sound that this song has that makes it incredibly sad. Personally, I always picture the part where Robo's "brothers" are beating him to pieces when I hear this. It's quite simple, but very powerful and moving. Most of the game is happy and upbeat, but whenever this played it always made for a very emotionally powerful situation

7. Frog's Theme (CT)

This has got to be one of, if not the best character themes that I've heard from any game. If I had to pick one word to describe the song, it would be "noble", which surprisingly enough is the same word I'd pick to describe Frog. Just like every other track in the game, this one fits the situation it is used for like a glove. Plus, doesn't everyone love this triumphant theme?

6. To Far Away Times (CT)

This song rolls during the credits and it sums up the entire adventure quite nicely. It sounds so incredibly hopeful that you just can't help but smile. It makes for a perfect ending to a perfect game. (We can debate my use of the word perfect, but it's an amazing game at least)

5. Time of World Revolution (CT)

This song has a lot going on at once. It starts out normal enough, but once that crazy background synth comes in it really picks it up. The entire song features what is almost like a duel between Lavos' theme and Crono's theme, which is pretty cool considering this is part of the epic showdown between the two. Also, the trumpet bit that plays is one of my favorite pieces of music period. This song makes this stage of the final battle as intense as it should be.

4. Battle with Magus (CT)

In a word this song is just epic. Combine the wind sound at the beginning with Magus' line about the black wind howling and it sends chills down your spine. It has that eerie feel that the other tracks in Magus' castle had but then explodes into the extremely dramatic main bit. This track almost single handedly makes the Battle with Magus the most memorable in the entire game.

3. Corridor of Time (CT)

Every time I hear this I can't believe that it was made for the Super Nintendo. The wide variety of sounds that are utilized are just things that I had never heard from a video game in that era. This tune fits the floating kingdom of Zeal perfectly, with its mesmerizing and dreamlike sounds. The instrument that handles the melody, I believe it's a Sitar or something of the like, is quite poignant and works so well with the background music. The best track in the entire game in my opinion.

2. On the Beach of Dreams - Another World (CC)

I remember that back in the day I used to turn on my Playstation and just let it idle while this song played. It somehow manages to be relaxing and dramatic all at the same time... it just defies my description. This song is sublime and the best overworld theme I've heard in a game by a long shot.

1. Scars of Time (CC)

Have you ever seen the intro to Chrono Cross? I saw it once and went out and bought a Playstation just to play the game. I included the entire song in my video because you can't just isolate one part of it; the entire progression is simply amazing. The intro is pretty good, but once it picks up the pace and those fierce violins come in, it becomes something special. I think I've mentioned the strings in this game's soundtrack before... well just listen to this song and you'll see why I can't get enough of the violins. It's just about the coolest thing I've ever heard when the violins come in for the first time. Summary? Ultimate intro song, ultimate game song... maybe even just ultimate song period.

So there's the list. I would include honorable mentions, but to be honest, I'd be listing almost the entire soundtrack from both games, so just keep in mind that I like every song from both games. As usual, I encourage you to make your own list and share it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Top 10 Final Fantasy Songs

So I posted a video on YouTube counting down my Top 10 favorite Final Fantasy Songs; I figured that I would write a little explanation about each of my choices.

10. Vamo' Alla Flamenco (FFIX)

I love the Spanish influence that this song has. It helps that it was also played during one of the more fun parts of the game when Zidane was sword-fighting on stage. It's not overly emotional or anything, but this song always struck me as just being fun. Sometimes you can't explain why, you just like a song!

9. The Man with the Machine Gun (FFVIII)

Although I was quite confused at first, the segments of the game where you got to play as Laguna and company ended up being my favorite parts of the game. A significant reason as to why I enjoyed those parts was the music that played whenever you got into battles. This song is upbeat and has a nice ambient feel to it; basically it's just one of those songs that I can't help but nod my head to as I am listening to it.

8. You Are Not Alone (FFIX)

This song played during one of the more dramatic points in FFIX and I felt like it really captured the feel very well. I enjoy the progression that it makes, as it starts out very plain, then comes in with the flute (or whatever) before going into the electric guitar bit. All in all it's my favorite song from FFIX.

7. Terra (FFVI)

This song is just one of the ultimate overworld map themes that I've heard. This is the song that comes to mind when I think of FFVI. The bassline that keeps repeating itself feels like something that you should march to, and the flute that comes over the top of it is absolutely masterful. I found myself stopping on the world map just to hear this tune out on more than one occasion.

6. Boss Battle (FFIV)

This song epitomizes early era Final Fantasy games to me. While the more recent games explored more modern areas and often had more ambient, rock influenced music, the originals had a very European Middle Ages feel to them. This song fits boss battles perfectly due to how dramatic it is. Every time this came on it had me on the edge of my seat and made the game feel a lot faster paced than it actually was. Just a great song.

5. A Fleeting Dream (FFX)

Whenever you finally got to Zanarkand in FFX it had a very surreal, dreamlike feel to it. This song set the tone perfectly. The exhaling noise (that's what I think it sounds like) that constantly floats in the background works absolute wonders. Combined with the slightly modified melody from Suteki Da Ne it made for a very emotional trip through Zanarkand.

4. Cosmo Canyon (FFVII)

Cosmo Canyon felt almost as if it were inhabited by a Native American tribe with the dwellings in the mountain and the very nature-conscious inhabitants. The pulsing drum beat that plays in the background helps enhance this Native American feel significantly. Once the flute finally comes in, it has a really entrancing melody and builds up to a very dramatic climax. I always loved going to Cosmo Canyon just because of this song.

3. Seymour Battle (FFX)

When I first got to Seymour Omnis, he beat the pants off my team. Therefore I decided to do sidequests and picked up Anima. When I finally went back, I beat him extremely quickly. Because of that I never got to fully experience this song. If you put on headphones while you listen to this, it's like an orgasmic explosion of sound in both ears. It has a nice beat going in the background and the ambient sounds that come in from all over the place make this song very intense. This song is just plain awesome.

2. Still More Fighting (FFVII)

When I think of FFVII, One Winged Angel is NOT the song that comes to mind. Instead, I think of Still More Fighting as the song that defined the game to me. The way that it opens up with the crunchy guitar sound fits in perfectly with the polluted setting of the slums in Midgar. It's very upbeat, as any boss battle song should be, and gets you going when you're fighting a boss. I'd be satisfied if it just continued the opening bit the entire time, but when the synthesizer comes in at just over a minute in it adds a whole new level. It's hard to fully explain, but I wish that every fight in the game used this song because it's simply that cool.

1. To Zanarkand (FFX)

I have to confess that FFX was my favorite game in the series. It focused on the story in a way that no other game I had played had and managed to do it in a compelling manner as well. One of the keys to story telling in any game is the music, and this song was the emotional climax of the game to that point. The entire story came to a head when the group meets Zanarkand, and the music captures the emotion of the situation perfectly as Tidus watches Yuna march onward willingly towards her death and he can't think of any way to stop her. (I would lot this one in with the "Ending Theme" as well since they both utilize the Zanarkand melody)

So there you have it: my top 10 Final Fantasy songs. You don't agree? I don't expect you to! But I do encourage you to make your own list and reply with it or post it as a video response on YouTube. I'll leave you with some honorable mentions of songs that were close, but didn't quite make the cut.

Honorable Mentions:
FF7: Anxious Heart, Oppressed People, Aeris' Theme
FF8: Balamb Garden
FF9: Rose of May
FF10: Otherworld, Auron's Theme, Servants of the Mountain, Spira Unplugged, Besaid, Silence Before the Storm

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Video Game Music Shout Out

So I figured that I would highlight some of my favorite YouTubers whose channels have to do with Video Game Music. The first one I'll talk about is lonlonjp. His channel is a collection of video game music that he has arranged for solo acoustic/classical guitar. He mainly plays Final Fantasy, with some Mario, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, and others thrown in. The man is extremely skilled and his channel is definitely worth checking out if you love video game music. I'll post one of my favorites from his channel, Balamb Garden from FFVIII, just so you can get an idea of what it's about, but please go and visit his videos; they are great!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sequel Mania

I'm sure a lot of people have touched on this before, but is it not getting slightly ridiculous how many new releases are sequels? I understand the incentive behind developing a sequel: it's proven successful in the past so it will have a following, and it's much less risky in financial terms, especially in difficult economic times. But, honestly, look at how many of them there are! If you go to GameSpot and look at the top XBox360 games by rating this year, the first 10 on the list are ALL sequels. I'm sure we're all guilty of highly anticipating sequels (Diablo 3, FF13 for myself) but after thinking on it for a while, it has been quite a long time since a truly NEW game has won me over. Part of this is due to my laziness as a gamer, but it's also due to developers playing it safe.

So that's how I feel: we need to see some new franchises pop up (especially from you Nintendo). But what can really be done about it? Consumers have the power, but they will continue to come out in droves for Halo 3½, New New Super Mario Bros., and whatever else comes out. It's tough to think about because I completely understand their position: games cost hard earned money, and people don't want to take chances unless they are fairly certain that they will like a game. It's because of the fact that it's advantageous for both gamers and developers to continue with sequels that I don't expect to see any surge in creativity anytime soon.

I guess the bright side is that the emergence of demos on the consoles could potentially lead to more gamers getting a chance to try new things cost free. And, although I'd prefer to see more new games, it's not as if the sequels aren't fun too; I'm just throwing my thoughts out there. What about you? :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To PS3 or not to PS3...

Ever since Sony finally decided to drop the price of the PS3 and introduce the slim, I have been contemplating whether or not I should invest in one. The main reason I want one is to play Final Fantasy XIII in March when it comes out, but it will be a dual platform game (which I already own an XBox 360). I can't really explain why, but I feel like I would be better served playing it on a PS3 instead of the 360. I like the PS3 controller better and would say that I have more brand loyalty towards Sony than Microsoft, but I also feel a little bit like I'm leaning towards a PS3 because it's the "sexy" choice.

Now that the current generation of consoles has been out for a while, the quality games seem to finally be coming out. As far as other PS3 games that interest me, (I'm building a case for myself to buy one here) Little Big Planet intrigues me, I've heard wonderful things about the Uncharted games, Infamous also looks fun, I've heard RPG fans who swear by Valkyria Chronicles, and I've thought about trying to accustom myself to console FPS's (I'm more of a PC shooter guy) so Killzone 2 might be fun. And I can't wait for FF13. But it seems like a lot of maybes for such a large cash investment, so I'm not sold yet.

I like the free online play and the fact that Sony includes a USB controller charger with their system, and the BluRay is cool even if I doubt I'd use it. If I did make the splash and buy a PS3, the only extras I'd buy would be an HDMI cable. (I expect to be doing any multiplayer gaming on the 360 with my roommates, so no second controller)

For now I'm still torn... but I kind of want one just to get more involved in this generation of games; I haven't been as involved with gaming as I was in the past. It's something that I'm still interested in, so chances are I'll throw my inhibitions to the wind and just buy one... now to make some money!

Welcome friends

Hello and welcome to my blog. I have entitled it "bigguy's little thoughts". See what I did there? I'm a big guy, but my thoughts are little. I'm sure you're startled by my sharp wit.

The plan is for this place to revolve around my thoughts on video games and their music, however it will likely also include links to funny stuff, personal musings, and anything else I feel like writing about. I'm planning on creating a youtube channel with videos relating to video games and music; if that's your thing, head on over to my channel. So, if you're interested, I encourage you to have a look around... Soon enough there might be something worth reading!